Friday, June 15, 2012

Lens On The Future

Having made my first few entries (including the near legendary magnum opus of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of MMOs"), my plan at present is to try and make a new entry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  If the geniuses (geniuii?) at Penny Arcade can manage what they do thrice a week, a dumbass like me should be able to pour his own particular brand of stupid through the keyboard and onto the Internet where it can ferment.  Like jenkem.

Time will tell!


1 comment:

Liquid Flames said...

Looking forward to it. Any time I need an honest well thought out opinion of a game before trying it I always try to catch you on vent.

I'm nearly convinced inti trying The Secret World, btw. You and Gave seem to be enjoying it.